Australian Wild Caught Abalone is from the Haliotidae family, and is also called Awabi, Ear Shell, Sea Snail or Ormeaux. Abalone is a mollusc, which is a cold-water species which commonly lie 5 to 30 metres under the Great Southern Ocean. Each Abalone has its own unique and diverse character covering a range of shapes, sizes, textures, tastes and colours. The main food source of the Abalone is the local seaweed and sea grass, allowing the colour to vary from light creamy to dark grey, depending on their habitat and the seaweed colour that they are eating. The strength and harshness of the ocean waves also helps to define the texture of each individual Abalone.
Australia has one of the last remaining wild resources of Abalone. Australian Wild Caught Abalone is under the Australian Fisheries Quota Management System. The quota catching is strictly regulated by the Australian Government in order to protect and preserve this delicacy for now and the future. These regulations determine the minimum size permitted for harvesting. It takes 5-10 years for Abalone to grow to the size required for commercial harvesting. The Abalone is only caught by licensed fisherman, who brave the dangers of the Australian Ocean to carefully measure and hand pick this sea treasure.
There are more than 100 species in the world, and Australia has 4 that are commercial. The most abundant is Blacklip. Greenlip has a significantly smaller population, followed by Roei and Brownlip. Blacklip Abalone grows across Southern Australia on rocky reefs, and is commercially harvested in Victoria, South Australia, Tasmania and New South Wales.

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Did you know that Natural Wild Caught Abalone is not “White”?
There is a misunderstanding that Abalone is “White”. Wild Abalone comes in many shades of colours, from creamy to dark brown, even black. In order to make Wild Abalone “white”, you need to use chemicals. The most commonly used chemicals such as sulphur dioxide, cause loss of nutrition, loss of flavour and loss of texture.
Natural Wild Abalone comes in many shades of colours with each Abalone unique in its own appearance. The blood of the Abalone is a bluish colour, and in order to give the best texture and flavour it is important to retain the maximum blood in the Abalone. This results in some of the blood coming to the surface of the meat and the lips. This may give the Abalone a dark and bluish appearance, but the inside of the Abalone is always a creamy colour.
Our Kansom Brand Abalone is all Natural Australian Wild Caught Abalone. Premium Abalone. Premium Taste. Premium Texture.

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